Application to amend zoning for 928, 960, 980 Erb St. W. and 100 The Wilmot Line
Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.
The City of Waterloo is proposing the development of a subdivision for employment and commercial land uses, a park, and new streets including the extension of Platinum Drive.
This application was submitted and deemed complete in accordance with the Planning Act, prior to the passing of By-law 2018-050 on September 10, 2018 being the new Zoning By-law for the City of Waterloo. The subject lands are zoned Zone Change application (ZC) on schedule 'A' to Bylaw 2018-050, which carries forward the zoning provisions applied to the lands in Bylaw 1418.
Official plan changes requested include:
- re-designating a portion of the lands from business employment to convenience commercial and applying site specific policies
Zoning bylaw changes requested include:
- rezoning the lands from zone change application (ZC) to business employment one (E1-27), business employment one (E1-27) with site-specific provisions, convenience commercial (C3) with site-specific provisions, and parks and recreation (OS1)
The applicant has also submitted an application to the Region of Waterloo for a Draft Plan of Subdivision.
View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.
You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.
Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.