Provide feedback on design concepts for the Charles Street Terminal Site

The Region of Waterloo in collaboration with the City of Kitchener, are working with Brook McIlroy consultants to explore redevelopment opportunities for the Charles Street Terminal (CST) lands in downtown Kitchener. We’re in Phase 4 of the project, focusing on preliminary design concepts that incorporate important technical considerations, city policies and guidelines, financial analysis and community input 

These design concepts showcase the potential for a vibrant and sustainable site that strives to balance the project's financial viability with community’s needs and aspirationsIt is important to note that these designs are not final; they serve as aspirational ideas to guide redevelopment planning in 2025. 

Here’s what you need to know before sharing your feedback: 
This redevelopment aims to transform the Charles Street Terminal area into a vibrant, mixed-use space that serves community needs, with considerations for green space, connectivity, and sustainable design. Feedback from the community has shaped guiding principles that inform these concepts. For all project information visit where you can view a a full preliminary research report created Brook McIlroy. 

 Community engagement timeline: 

  • Phase 1Broad Community Survey on Values (establishing the four guiding priorities to guide redevelopment planning. These include: 1. Affordable housing options, 2. Climate action, 3. Equity, diversity and inclusion and 4. A thriving economy) 
  • Phase 2Identifying Community Need and Aspirations in Downtown Kitchener 
  • Phase 3: Interest Holder Visioning Labs, Expansion of the Working Group and Indigenous Community Engagement 
  • Phase 4 (current): Developing and refining design concepts through site analysis, financial modelling and engagement activities. 

What’s included in the design concepts? 
The designs consider key elements such as: 

  • Built form and height (striking a balance between density, livability, and enhancing the downtown neighborhood) 
  • Green spaces and sustainability (incorporating plants and eco-friendly elements to create a liveable space, with less impact on the environment). 
  • Circulation and connections (how pedestrians will access the site, making it welcoming and easy to get around) Include reference to the broader connections to existing networks like bike lanes, LRT. 
  • Mixed uses and programming (a site that includes different kinds of uses, identified through community engagement, such as housing, community and public space and retail space). 

In addition to the above strategies, Brook McIlroy continues to further develop development phasing and site grading strategies to ensure the potential design concept strongly considers grading challenges on the site and future phasing for the potential development.

Why your feedback matters: 
This is an opportunity to create an inspiring and practical vision for the Charles Street Terminal lands to ensure preliminary design concepts align with community priorities. Your input will help refine these design concepts as we move toward redevelopment planning in 2025. 

For more details on earlier project phases and reports, visit the project page at

Thank you for helping us shape the future of this important downtown space!