The Township of Wellesley is working on an update to its Community Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP is a planning tool that will allow the municipality to designate areas for improvement and offer various incentives (i.e., grants and loans) to stimulate growth and revitalization in our community.
What is a Community Improvement Plan (CIP)?
A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a municipal planning tool enabled by the Ontario Planning Act that sets out programs and strategies for improving the built, economic, and social environment in designated areas of a municipality. Many municipalities across Ontario have prepared CIPs, including the Township of Wellesley, to achieve important community goals, such as:
- Facilitating and coordinating the transition of neighbourhoods and areas;
- Stimulating economic growth and development;
- Assisting property owners with repair, rehabilitation, and redevelopment projects; and
- Raising awareness of local needs and priorities.
This project is funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. We appreciate the support!

CIP Workshop - December 2024
Our existing CIP focused on the vitality and regeneration of the core areas of Wellesley and St. Clements. We are now looking to explore and expand opportunities for community improvement across other areas of the Township.
Do you have questions about the CIP?
Ask your CIP questions here and we will respond at our earliest convenience.