Downtown Kitchener (DTK) Community - Charles Street Terminal Visioning Survey
The Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener are working towards a vision for a mixed-use development on the former Charles Street Terminal site, in the heart of downtown Kitchener, and are actively seeking input from the downtown Kitchener community. This vision will be informed by environmental and technical findings, financial modeling and community engagement.
Located at 15 Charles Street West, the property occupies a key location in downtown Kitchener. With a footprint of 10,470 square meters (1.047 hectare / 2.59 acres in size), the size and location of the property make the future use of this site an important discussion point for the community. Based on the strategic direction of the Region of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener, and determined by the community, the site's four guiding priorities include:
- Affordable housing options
- Climate action
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- A thriving economy
Technical studies to date include the completion of a property boundary survey to understand current physical infrastructure on the site, as well as Environmental and geotechnical work to understand the make-up of the soil, and the presence of any contaminants in the ground or groundwater as a result of previous and/or surrounding uses. To read the summary of these technical and environmental studies, review the Technical Considerations section of the project page:
Your informed survey response will enable staff to gather ideas across the community to ensure the successful redevelopment of the Charles Street Terminal site.
This survey is open until March 1, 2024.