The City of Cambridge is inviting residents to share their feedback on City services and strategic plan by completing the 2022 Community Satisfaction Survey.

Your participation is very important, and the responses obtained will help to determine perception of quality of life, resident satisfaction with City services and strategic plan identifying areas for improvement. It will also guide future planning, research, communication methods, developments, policy and budgetary decisions.

Along with the digital survey, 400 telephone surveys based on random sampling across both cell and landlines will be conducted by our consultants Deloitte.

Data was aggregated collectively so no identifying information will be isolated, and information will be used to analyze different service levels, importance and satisfaction with City's strategic plan progress.

The 2022 surveys are now closed. Thank you everyone for your feedback.

The final report and presentations for 2022 and 2020 surveys can be found in the document section on the top right hand side of the page.

The results of the 2022 Community Satisfaction Survey were reviewed against the baseline data from February 2020 to determine the priorities that will best support the strategic plan and ultimately improve quality of life for local residents.