
Sod Start of Warranty Letter

11 October 2023

As part of the completion of the reconstruction of Bruce Street, the city’s contractor has replaced the topsoil and sod on or adjacent to your property. The contractor will now be required to provide ongoing maintenance, watering of the sodded areas until May 18, 2024, (notwithstanding a suspension of this requirement during a winter dormant period of Nov 15th to April 15th inclusive). After which time, it is the property owner’s responsibility to continue the watering and maintenance as required.

The city will inspect the condition of the newly sodded area just prior to the date noted above, and the contractor will be required to replace any identified deteriorated sod. After this inspection and the replacement of any deteriorated sod, the care and maintenance of the sod will become the homeowner’s responsibility.

Occasionally, after construction, depression trench settlement may occur, meaning the soil over the area that was dug up had settled. This may occur in the sodded areas or elsewhere on this project and is covered under the two-year warranty period. Please note, new sod can may take up to two years to fully root and establish itself. The weather, sun exposure can impact how well young sod takes root. We encourage property owners to continue periodic watering (adhering to the Region of Waterloo water-use bylaw, found at, and care and maintenance after the end of the sod warranty.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the city’s project manager by phone at 519-741-2200 ext. 7132 or by email at

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