
Bruce Street Concrete Works Driveway Access Letter

15 August 2023

Please be advised that on August 21, 2023, crews will begin working on string line setup for upcoming installation of concrete curb and gutter to follow on Bruce Street.

Driveway Access during Concrete Work

The contractor estimates that driveway access will be lost for about 3-5 weeks while concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway ramps and asphalt road paving is planned to occur. The duration of lost driveway access is due to several factors including:

  • time required for crews to complete their work
  • time required for concrete to properly cure to reach its proper strength
  • subcontractor’s schedule
  • and other unforeseen factors such as weather

Crews will work diligently to complete this work in a timely manner. Wood planks/bridges may be constructed at various points along the site, by the contractor, over the newly poured concrete sidewalks to provide pedestrian access to properties.

On Street Parking

During reconstruction, temporary parking permits have been issued to displaced residents to allow on-street parking when needed. The permits list streets for parking options as you will be permitted to park longer than 3 hours and overnight. Permits are to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. Ensure that your vehicle is parked in permitted areas only and that you do not interfere with any construction operations. We communicate with the Bylaw Enforcement team to ensure residents displaced by construction are noted, although illegal parking and/orsafety related issues will continue to be enforced. If you require parking enforcement, please contact 519-741-2345. If you have any inquiries or require additional permits, please speak to the site inspector for further direction or contact me, the construction project manager, directly.

Accessibility Requirements

If you have not yet reached out to me, please let me know of any accessibility requirements, and we will work together with the contractor to arrange suitable accommodations. This could include (but not limited to) accessibility parking needs, moving in or out of your residence, special deliveries, etc.

Curbside Waste Collection

For curbside waste collection, please write your address on all your containers and have out to curbside by 6 a.m. on your collection day. The contractor is responsible to ensure pickup of your waste items and return your containers within a reasonable amount of time after collection occurs.

We’re happy to meet with you or discuss by phone, any concerns, questions or feedback that you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me, the City’s Project Manager by phone at 519-741-2200 ext. 7132 or by email at

Project Team Contact Information

If you would like to receive updates for this project as they become available, please subscribe and you will be added to the email list for updates on this project.

City of Kitchener Project Manager

Licinio Costa – 519-741-2200 ext. 7132

City of Kitchener Construction Inspector

Dylan Mikalski – 226-753-7619

Contractor – Terracon Underground Limited

Russell Veld – 519-757-2513

Corporate Contact Centre (24 hour)


We appreciate your patience and understanding during this project.