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Bramm Yards Master Plan Survey

The City is creating a Master Plan that will guide future development of the Bramm Yards into an Urban Business Park. Please read the proposed Vision and Development Principles for the Bramm Yards, then share your feedback. 

This survey will take 5 minutes to fill out. It closes Oct. 31, 2023.

Proposed Vision and Development Principles for Bramm Yards


Proposed Vision for Bramm Yards Master Plan: 

To develop a leading-edge, mixed-use urban business park that would include health-innovation focused employment, new housing, a vibrant streetscape with high-quality public space, built using leading sustainability practices.

Proposed Development Principles for the Bramm Yards Master Plan: 

The following four (4) proposed development principles will inform the design of the Bramm Yards.

#1 Development Principle: Integrate a Mix of Uses

The first proposed development principle will ensure that the Bramm Yards will become a vibrant mixed-use community by including the following:

  • Develop a minimum of 750,000 square feet of employment space with ‘Health Innovation’ and ‘Medical Technology’ employment as the primary use
  • Maximize the integration of residential development where possible
  • Include ground floor commercial uses (examples: retail, restaurant, service)

#2 Development Principle: Integrate Leading Sustainable Development Practices 

The second development principle will ensure that the Bramm Yards is sustainably designed by integrating the following practices:

  • Strive for new buildings which achieve net-zero carbon emissions (examples: use of solar energy, the integration of district energy to heat and cool buildings)
  • Strive for the integration of leading-edge sustainable construction and design practices

#3 Development Principle: Integrate Community Spaces 

The third development principle will ensure that the Bramm Yards site integrates community spaces through the following:

  • Develop a vibrant streetscape
  • Provide high quality outdoor public space
  • Include community space to be retained by the City
  • Introduce active transportation connections through the site for all ages and abilities

#4 Development Principle: Design Expectations 

The fourth development principle will ensure that the Bramm Yards are designed on the following expectations:

  • Leading-edge, high-quality architecture and finishes
  • A well-designed public realm
  • High quality landscaping
  • Integration of active transportation, including secure bicycle parking spaces
  • Reduce automobile parking/visibility of parking