Application to amend zoning for 310 to 322 Albert St and 291 to 295 Hemlock St
Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.
Hendga Real Estate Ltd. is proposing to build a new 6-storey mixed-use building at 310-322 Albert Street and 291-295 Hemlock Street. This will require an Official Plan amendment and zone change.
Official plan changes requested include:
- increasing the maximum density from 250 bedrooms (108 bedrooms) per hectare to 430 bedrooms per hectare (185 bedrooms)
Zoning bylaw changes requested include:
- increasing the maximum density from 250 bedrooms (108 bedrooms) per hectare to 430 bedrooms per hectare (185 bedrooms)
- exempt a dwelling unit abutting a street line building facade from providing an independent primary access to Hemlock Street
- allowing 2 driveways to access the site
- lifting the Holding (H) symbol to facilitate the development.
View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.
Building height, units, housing types
Tallest tower: 6 storeys
Number of units: 140
Unit sizes: mix of one, two and three bedrooms
Housing types: apartments
Non-residential floor space
Commercial space: 229 square m
Parking: 48 (5 spaces enclosed in parking structure and 43 surface spaces)
Bicycle parking: 54
You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.
Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.