
Improvements along University Avenue (Regional Road 57) are being considered to improve roadway and underground infrastructure, active transportation facilities and traffic operations along the corridor.

The Region’s Transportation Capital Program has identified this section of roadway for major rehabilitation to address deteriorated pavement structure and provide active transportation and intersection improvements. Also, the City of Waterloo’s watermain and sanitary sewer systems require replacement.

The Region’s Transportation Master Plan has identified the road section on University Avenue from King Street to Weber Street for cycling infrastructure installation to complete cycling network connectivity in this area.

We are currently undertaking a Schedule "C" Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for improvements to the University Avenue (Regional Road 57) corridor from Albert Street to Weber Street in the City of Waterloo. The Municipal Class EA is a planning and decision-making process approved under the Environmental Assessment Act that is used by municipalities to plan public infrastructure projects so that potential environmental impacts are considered before a project is approved. It requires consultation with the public, involved stakeholders and agencies to consider alternatives and their impacts on the project environment.


Public Consultation Centre # 2 Feedback is now CLOSED. Please refer to the document section on this page for Public Consultation 2 Summary Report for a summary of comments received from Public Consultation 2.

Notice of Revision of Environmental Study Report.

The Regional Municipality of Waterloo has undertaken a planning study to consider improvements to University Avenue from Albert Street to Weber Street in the City of Waterloo. This project was planned in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act following the approved process for Schedule ‘C’ projects under the “Municipal Class Environmental Assessment” (October 2000, as amended to 2023).

The Environmental Study Report (ESR) was completed and made available to both public and environmental agencies review in May 2023. Based on comments received from review agencies, specifically GRCA, MECP, and MCM, the ESR was revised in August 2023.

The Region of Waterloo is seeking comments on the revised ESR. At this stage only comments to the revised content will be reviewed. A response letter to each of the agencies that contains both the comments and the response are attached to the Notice of Revision identifying the changes made to the ESR. The revised ESR is available for public, government agency and Indigenous Community review in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

Subject to comments received following the Notice of Revision, the Region of Waterloo intends to proceed with the construction of this project in 2025/2026. An electronic version of the revised ESR is available under the documents tab on this page. A printed copy of the revised ESR is available for review during regular business hours at the following locations:

The Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Clerk’s Office

150 Frederick Street, 2nd Floor Kitchener, Ontario


The Corporation of the City of Waterloo

Waterloo City Hall

100 Regina Street South Waterloo, Ontario

This project supports the Region of Waterloo's strategic focus area(s): Icons representing the Region's strategic focus areas of Thriving economy, Sustainable transportation, Environment and climate action, Healthy, safe and inclusive communities, Responsive and engaging public service and Our people.

Public consultation for this project is now closed.