Kitchener-Waterloo Sports Parades of History Refresh

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The cities of Kitchener and Waterloo are planning to refresh the Sports Parades of History displays. This will include updating the presentation of the physical displays and digitizing them for viewing online. We are looking for your feedback on the displays to inform our review and contribute to how we renew them.

We are also interested in hearing whether there is enough community interest to resume inductions into the Parades. There have been no additions to the Parades for seven years. If the community finds value in doing so, we will consider options for renewing the induction process.


The Kitchener and Waterloo Sports Parades of History celebrate local athletic achievements of players and sport personnel through photographic displays. They were established by the K-W Civitan Club more than 25 years ago. Since the club is now inactive, no additions have been made to the Sports Parades of History for several years. The physical displays remain in place at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium and Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex.

To learn more about this project, read About the Sports Parades of History

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The cities of Kitchener and Waterloo are planning to refresh the Sports Parades of History displays. This will include updating the presentation of the physical displays and digitizing them for viewing online. We are looking for your feedback on the displays to inform our review and contribute to how we renew them.

We are also interested in hearing whether there is enough community interest to resume inductions into the Parades. There have been no additions to the Parades for seven years. If the community finds value in doing so, we will consider options for renewing the induction process.


The Kitchener and Waterloo Sports Parades of History celebrate local athletic achievements of players and sport personnel through photographic displays. They were established by the K-W Civitan Club more than 25 years ago. Since the club is now inactive, no additions have been made to the Sports Parades of History for several years. The physical displays remain in place at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium and Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex.

To learn more about this project, read About the Sports Parades of History

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Opportunities to get involved and share your feedback will be posted on this page.

Subscribe for updates and be the first to know about news and information about this project. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe’.

  • How to share your feedback and ideas

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    Throughout August and September 2024, we want to hear from residents about the Kitchener-Waterloo Sports Parades of History. Answer our survey or share your ideas about how the Parades might better represent local sports and athletics accomplishments.

    Answer our survey

    - or -

    Share your ideas

    You can also contact the project lead, Stuart Murray, at or 519-885-8828 (TTY: 1-866-786-3941).

    The last day to contribute is September 15, 2024

  • About the Sports Parades of History

    Share About the Sports Parades of History on Facebook Share About the Sports Parades of History on Twitter Share About the Sports Parades of History on Linkedin Email About the Sports Parades of History link

    For images of the current displays, view the photo gallery

    The Sports Parades of History (SPH) at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex and the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex have a storied history.

    The Kitchener Sports Parade was a K-W Civitan Club project that began in 1988-89 in recognition of its 25th anniversary. Six years after the Kitchener’s Sports Parade of History launched, the K-W Civitan Club unveiled its Waterloo equivalent in the new Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex (WMRC) in 1995. It was originally intended to launch the Kitchener and Waterloo Sports Parades of History simultaneously. However, due to a lack of appropriate physical space, the Waterloo contributions would be delayed until the completion of the WMRC.

    The project was spearheaded by Ed Davies, a long-serving President of the K-W Civitan Club. He was joined on the committee by Donna Weber (vice-chair), Murray Grose (Secretary), Howie Dietrich (City of Waterloo), Bob McFarland (City of Waterloo), Roy Wuertele, and Pat Doherty.

    The initial induction for the City of Waterloo’s Sports Parade of History in 1995 saw 95 photos accepted. Since then, another 111 inductees have been added to the Waterloo wall, now totalling 206 inductions. Kitchener’s starting number of inductions is unknown, but between 1989 and 1993, 204 inductees were added to the Kitchener wall. Since then, another 99 photos have been put on the wall, now totalling 303.

    While the K-W Civitan Club has not formally disbanded, they no longer operate. The Kitchener and Waterloo SPH continued inductions until the 2010s. Its final member composition remains unknown. It’s not entirely clear why the Civitan Club ceased inductions. However, judging by the fact that the driving force, Ed Davies, passed away in 2013, it’s assumed that the committee’s capacity gradually faded.

    The revitalization of the Sports Parades of History has been attempted once before. Around 2016, a scan was done to assess the state of the SPHs and determine the best course of action. While the findings and research from this project are unknown, it got no further than the planning phase, and any information acquired by this project has since been lost.

    For images of the current displays, view the photo gallery

Page last updated: 06 Aug 2024, 09:59 AM