Application to amend zoning for 177 to 179 Albert St (resubmission)
Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw are being requested for this location. The proposal must be reviewed by city planners, external agencies, and presented to City Council in a public forum prior to any approvals.
The applicant is requesting changes to the zoning bylaw to facilitate the development of a new residential building with a podium/tower built form.
Summary of the proposed changes from the previous submission:
- The height of the building has increased from 25 to 30 storeys.
- The ground floor now contains commercial floor space oriented to the corner of Seagram Drive and Albert Street, complete with outdoor patio areas along the south and west facades.
- The road widenings have been incorporated into the development, including 3.0 metres along Seagram Drive and 0.7 metres along Albert Street.
- The height of the podium varies, including a single storey along the west side, 4 storeys along the north side and 6 storeys along the east side.
- The building contains a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units.
Previously, the building contained the following mix:
- 120 one-bedroom units
- 26 two-bedroom units
The revised building design includes the following mix:
- 94 studio and one-bedroom units
- 132 two-bedroom units
- 4 three-bedroom units
- The revised unit mix results in an increase in the total number of units from 146 to 230 and an increase in the total number of bedrooms from 166 to 370. As a result of the increase in the total number of units and two and three bedroom units, as well as the reduction in the lot area due to the widening conveyances, the density has increased to 2,511 bedrooms per hectare.
- The podium and tower have been shifted to accommodate the road widening along Seagram Drive, with more soft landscaping opportunities in both the west and north side yards.
- The owner proposes to provide affordable housing units, whereas previously, none were proposed. The owner proposes to provide 4% of the units as affordable housing units.
Official plan change request includes:
- allowing a maximum density above the permitted 750 bedrooms per hectare to a maximum density of 2,511 bedrooms per hectare
Zoning bylaw changes requested include:
- an increase in the maximum permitted density from 750 to 2,511 bedrooms per hectare
- an increase in the maximum permitted building height to 30 storeys and 102 metres
- a reduction in the minimum required landscaped open space from 30% to 24%
- a reduction in the minimum required tower separation from the northerly internal lot line from 11 metres to 6.5 metres and to 8.9 metres from the westerly internal lot line.
- a reduced setback above the podium of varying depths.
- reduced setbacks of:
- Seagram Drive – 3.0 metres;
- side yard – 2.0 metres;
- rear yard – 1.0 metres (hydro transformer room); and,
- 1.6 metres (parking structure).
View the documents submitted by the Applicant under the Supporting Documents tab on the right of this page for more details and drawings.
You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with City Council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.
Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.