A 6 storey building with light grey brick on floors 2 to 6 and a black and orange facade on the first floor.

Application to amend zoning for 153, 155, 159 and 167 Park St by lifting the Holding provision

Changes to the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.

GHD Ltd. on behalf of the owner is requesting to lift the (H) holding provision in relation to the properties at 153-167 Park Street.

The Zoning By-law Amendment would align the zone on the lands (Uptown Mixed-Use) with the Official Plan designation (Commercial). No other changes are proposed. The Zoning By-law Amendment will lift the holding provision on the lands to permit development. There are no other changes proposed to the zoning by-law with this application.

The properties have an on-going application for a site plan to permit a 6- storey residential mixed-use condominium building. The municipal addresses of the subject property are currently listed as 153, 155, 159 and 167 Park Street but the subject property is to be called 155 Park Street.

View the documents submitted by the development company under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the delegated staff authority, or ask a question to learn more about this application by contacting the planner.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.


Now that you've reviewed the application, it's time to submit your feedback. What are your initial thoughts on the proposal?

You may want to consider:

  • how the proposal affects the immediate surroundings
  • the proposal’s fit with the city’s goals and priorities
  • any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns

Comments submitted here will not be posted publicly, but will be summarized in a staff report for council. Council will see the personal information you provide such as your name and address. View the privacy policy.