The construction is now complete, and the project has entered the maintenance phase. This means we will inspect all aspects of the work done to ensure that it meets our standards. We will also address any deficiencies. Once this phase is complete, we will add a final layer of surface asphalt. This is usually about two years from the start of maintenance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Engineering division at 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-969-9994) or
As part of the City of Kitchener’s ongoing efforts to provide exceptional service, staff has scheduled road and sewer improvements in your neighbourhood.
It is anticipated that construction will occur in the spring of 2022. Once a schedule for the construction has been confirmed you will be notified. You will also be notified closer to the date construction is scheduled to start on your section of the street, and also how long access to your driveway will be affected.
The following is a brief list of specific improvements being considered:
- Upgrade the existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains as required.
- Replace existing sanitary and water services from the new mains to the property line.
- Curb and gutter, and sidewalks will be installed.
- Upgrade the asphalt roadway.
- Addition of cycling infrastructure.
Please read the Information Package for more details about how this construction may affect you.
All residents are also invited to view the Project Information Boards for more information.
Progress and major milestones will be posted on this project page.