Duke Street Cycling Improvements (Francis Street to Frederick Street), Kitchener
*Project Update Fall 2023*
On October 25 2023, Council gave approval for the construction of separated cycling facilities on Duke Street between Francis Street and Water Street with the following motion:
That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the recommended design of physically separated two-way cycle tracks along the west side of Duke Street (Regional Road 63) between Francis Street and Water Street built by the City of Kitchener, as described in Report TSD-TRP-23-012, dated October 10, 2023;
And that the section from Frederick to Water Street be revisited as part of the integrated mobility plan and that staff report back to the Committee at that time.
A recording of the meeting can be found here: https://pub-regionofwaterloo.escribemeetings.com/Players/ISIStandAlonePlayer.aspx?Id=36d9c699-0d64-4d21-9910-3aab67a19a05
The meeting minutes can found here: https://pub-regionofwaterloo.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=36d9c699-0d64-4d21-9910-3aab67a19a05&Agenda=PostMinutes&lang=English
A copy of the report, including appendices, presented to Planning and Works Committee on October 10 2023 can be found here https://pub-regionofwaterloo.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=f1fa705f-e55f-4cf3-8ee1-caab1981fc89&Agenda=Merged&lang=English&Item=28&Tab=attachments
Further project updates once the project begins construction can be found at the City of Kitchener Downtown Cycling Grid project page https://www.engagewr.ca/downtown-cycling-grid
Project Background
The Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener have been working together to find opportunities to make it easier and safer for cyclists to ride through the Region’s portion of Duke Street between Frederick Street and Francis Street. In support of the City’s Downtown Cycling Network (https://www.engagewr.ca/downtown-cycling-grid), Region staff provided a recommendation to Regional Council for Duke Street that provides improved cycling access to various destinations, including the future Regional King-Victoria Transit Hub.
The project team conducted a review of 11 different types of facilities designed primarily for use by cyclists (i.e. "cycling facilities"). With considerations for the physical space constraints, the need for maintaining high-quality two-way transit service, and the need to maintain vehicle access to the Duke Street addresses, there are two sections with unique preferred cycling facilities:
- Duke Street from Francis Street to College Street: Two-Way Separated Bike Lanes; and
- Duke Street from College Street to Frederick Street: Neighbourhood Bikeway.
Our Frequently Asked Questions and Cycling Facility Types and Screening Results provide more details on the preferred improvements .
The public were invited to review and comment on the preferred improvements by completing an online survey available on this project page. The survey closed on March 13, 2022. You can also subscribe to this page if you would like to receive notices of any future engagement opportunities.
If you have any questions about this project, please email Tom Humphries, Engineering Intern, Transportation Planning at thumphries@regionofwaterloo.ca